
Ttw super mutants not using weapons
Ttw super mutants not using weapons

Thank you for watching.Patreon: with me! +Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX - EVE +Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX - DLC +Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector - New Vegas Edition.

ttw super mutants not using weapons

Ask for help here if you can't find an answer in the FAQ. You can now repair your railway rifle and other schematic weapons with the junk used to actually make it instead of having to make another railway rifle to repair it! And Project Nevada has … Sorry, yes I did search. And wtf "TTW FNV RWLE - Darker Nights.esp" I don't think you need this if you aren't using Tale of Two Wastelands.

Ttw super mutants not using weapons